Bingo Olg
Without immediate access to the cGaming Bingo Modernization the OLG is offering to most – but not all – Halls in Ontario, ten traditional paper Bingo Halls will be forced to close their doors. Why? Because without being able to offer you much higher prizes and jackpots, we simply won’t be able to compete on a level playing field.
The OLG is forcing 10 halls to compete against a much superior cGaming Bingo Modernization model with our continuously declining paper bingo model. This means that our very survival is in jeopardy. The OLG’s cGaming Bingo Modernization roll-out not only leaves us out, but imprudently distributes sites in an unbalanced and unfair manner. Electronic Bingo (eBingo) eBingo is a new electronic way to play Bingo. Instead of using a dauber and paper cards, eBingo is played on an electronic touchscreen that automatically daubs the numbers for. BINGO GAME GUIDE Page 1 of 15 Version 2.0 Know your limit, play within it. For more information about these games please see the OLG Rules for Bingo Games, site Game Guides, House Rules, Odds of. Bingo is also an important fundraising operation for the parish, providing much needed revenue annually to help pay parish expenses. Bingo is staffed entirely by a dedicated and great group of volunteers.
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The OLG is forcing 10 halls to compete against a much superior cGaming Bingo Modernization model with our continuously declining paper bingo model. This means that our very survival is in jeopardy.

The OLG’s cGaming Bingo Modernization roll-out not only leaves us out, but imprudently distributes sites in an unbalanced and unfair manner. For example, Niagara Falls will have five vibrant sites but Hamilton will be left out in the cold with none.
The unbalanced distribution of the new cGaming Bingo Modernization model not only doesn’t make business sense for our charity and operator stakeholders, it’s also fiscally irresponsible to expect the Province will forego revenues from markets that will be under-served or not served.